Gregorc Style Delineator™
This is Dr. Gregorc's updated, powerful and widely used research-based, self-assessment instrument for adults. It is designed for identifying and quantifying the CS/AS/AR/CR mind qualities and their respective style characteristics.
Based upon a psychologically-formulated matrix of 40 descriptive words, the Gregorc Style Delineator is an extraordinary tool for helping individuals gain a better understanding of Self and others.
The multi-fold, self-scoring instrument contains:
- Directions
- The Word Matrix
- Scoring Directions
- Style Profile Graphic
- Style Comparison Synopsis Chart
- List of Key Ideas
Each Delineator packet includes Guidelines, a pamphlet detailing the administration of the instrument to groups. The pamphlet does not contain Delineator interpretation information. The book, An Adult's Guide to Style, is the prime resource for analysis.