Dr. Anthony's life's work on Mind Styles and his exemplary teaching skills have consistently had him ranked as the top presenter for 25 years at my annual Graduate Institute entitled "Healing, Education, Laughter and Play, (H.E.L.P.). His sense of humor, unique presentation style, and underlying brilliance are readily apparent in all he does. As the Institute Director, I have found him to be a joy to work with, as his knowledge and enthusiasm have no equal.
The Style Delineator has changed many lives, including mine, and has led to greater understanding of personal differences among colleagues and marital partners. His work is applicable throughout one's life and in every possible situation.
As a scholar, presenter, teacher and all-round individual, there is no-one I would ever recommend above
Dr. Anthony Gregorc.
Dr. Joyce Saltman
Professor Emeritus
Director of H.E.L.P. Institute
Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, CT
Dr. Anthony has the keen mind of a researcher, the practical application skills of a program planner, the intuitive insight of a skilled counselor, and the quick wit of a creative thinker. He is practical, theoretical, insightful, out-of-the-box creative, and amazingly skilled at bringing all these threads together.
His Style Delineator, charts and books inspired me to get more training from him. As a result, my wife and I presented his Style Delineator for over twenty-five years to public schools, colleges, firemen, police officers, business groups, dentists, churches, etc.
His presentation to our University changed a culture that had been together more than a decade. Through his words and processes, we started to understand why some of us jumped from one topic to another while others wanted to take each step in proper sequence. Before Dr. Anthony, we were "bad guys and good guys."
After his work with us, relationships definitely improved with the recognition that we needed each other and our individual Mind Styles.
Dr. Anthony Gregorc's presentations, workshops and materials are the most powerful, most useful and best that I have experienced in my professional career.
Dr. Richard Jensen
Professor Emeritus
Western Oregon University
Co-owner of Teambuilder, Inc.
with wife, Karen
Dr. Anthony Gregorc is one of the leading voices in the field of phenomenological research. His Mind Styles Model and the Style Delineator have been and continue to be used by hundreds of thousands of people in our country and around the world. It is safe to say that he is in the lineage of Carl Jung, Isabel Myers, Katharine Briggs and David Kiersey. His research has assisted in helping people to more fully understand themselves, deepen their relationships and embrace their lives more richly.
He is one of the most dynamic presenters I have ever experienced. His ability to take complex concepts and articulate them in down-to-earth, understandable and practical ways is extraordinary. His compassion, scholarship, insight and humor captivate an audience. Dr. Anthony Gregorc is a bright, personable, engaging, wise man of integrity. His works are dedicated to help people reach their full potential.
Rev. Bruce Tamlyn
Chaplain, Silver Bay YMCA
Silver Bay, NY
I absolutely recommend Dr. Anthony Gregorc as a teacher, speaker and seminar leader without hesitation. He has an amazing ability to draw each person in a room into the very center of his presentation. His compassionate leadership style brings out the very best in each person attending.
In my consulting practice with hundreds of people in both profit and non-profit organizations, I have made Dr. Anthony's work the centerpiece of the information I share. His research and resulting products have helped me to promote team building and to break down barriers that circumstances may have erected and that have harmed the success of those organizations.
I have literally seen his work change people's lives, give them insight, and develop a whole new perspective on themselves and on others. I have also watched the application of Mind Styles transform formerly dysfunctional organizations and thereby better achieve corporate goals, productivity and impact.
Dean K. Wilson, P.E., FSFPE
Fire Protection Engineer and Building Code Consultant
Business Process and Communications Consultant
Erie, PA
I've had the privilege and joy to facilitate Mind Styles seminars at the Center for Intercultural Training in NC, and with BCM International. One of the deep joys has been watching folks grasp the truth that not everyone thinks or processes ideas similarly. But equally important is our deep need to genuinely appreciate, respect and be grateful for those differences.
Helen Griepsma
Trainer with BCM International
Over 20 years ago, under much protest, I attended a 3+ day Mind Styles seminar. It was described to be beneficial to teachers to better understand their students and therefore to better educate them. Having taught for many years, I did not think I needed "one more seminar" on teaching, nor would I ever use the material.
How wrong I was!!! That week changed my life, my relationships AND my teaching and training. It continues to impact who I am as an individual and how to teach/train to this very day!! Mind Styles was an amazing discovery that I highly recommend. It was and continues to be a gift that "keeps on giving!!"
Pam Rowntree
Elementary educator/teacher Grade K-8
Christian Educator and Trainer
Dr. Anthony makes very strong connections with the members of his audience. Delineator + Gregorc is a sure fire hit. He brings both authenticity and depth to the table. These are attributes that have been savaged in recent times. Members of the audience can't help but see the light and appreciate it as a rarity today. He is a beacon of light in the darkness.
I conjure the image of Dr. Anthony Gregorc as the Statue of Liberty ... Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The Delineator is such a powerful instrument and he is such a powerful deliverer. I see a broken shackle and chain at her feet as she walks forward...breaking the chains of slavery. His message is just the same, bringing light to those who have been in darkness. I congratulate him on his energy.
Dr. Jeff Mulqueen
Retired School Superintendent, MA
The Gregorc Style Delineator? It's a game changer.
I have been using the Delineator with my undergrads and grad students. It is the highlight of virtually every class. People are able to understand themselves and people like them -- but more importantly, they can understand others much better.
Some indicate that it's a life-changer --- they've made life-changing decisions based on it.
Dr. Arthur Shapiro
Professor, College of Education
University of South Florida
Dr. Anthony Gregorc is one of a few geniuses I have met. He is truly an original in thought and in his presentations. He is an amazing spiritual being. He's very intuitive and knowledgeable about individual personalities and how they effect relationships personally and in the workplace.
Dr. Anthony is intelligent, dynamic, engaging and funny. His lectures are thought-provoking and mind
expanding. His work has made a difference in countless people's lives resulting in some having achieved a greater self acceptance and others coming to understand and accept others at a deeper level.
RJ. Gottlieb, LICSW
AMEX Financial Advisors
Andrews University
Anthem Blue/Cross/Blue Shield
Baylor College of Medicine
BCM International
BLM Nat'l Interagency Fire Center
Boise State University (ID)
Boston College
Broward County Schools (FL)
Camosun College (Canada)
Cargas Systems
CA School Leadership Academy
Celebrate Kids, Inc.
Central Florida Comm. College
Chicago Public Schools
Children's Hospitals and Clinics
CitiFinancial Mortgage
Colgate University
Conflict Resolution Academy
DST Systems, Inc.
Duke University
Educ. Service Centers (TX)
Eli Lilly Corporation
Federal Aviation Admin.
FL Assoc. of School Admin.
Flowing Wells S.D. (AZ)
Fort Worth I.S.D.
Frostburg State University (MD)
FutureMind (UK)
Georgia State University
Girls Incorporated
GP Allied
Habilitative Services, Inc.
Habitat for Humanity
Hartford Hospital (CT)
Harvard University
Indiana State University
International Baccalaureate
Int'l Fish and Wildlife Agency
Iowa State University
Johns Hopkins Health Care
JP Morgan Chase
Justice Center of Atlanta
Kansas State University
Kent State University (OH)
Lake Tahoe U.S.D.
Lancaster Gen. Hospital
Lee Memorial Health System
Life Cycle Engineering
Life Long Learning (CA)
Linn-Benton CC (OR)
Loma Linda University
Mayo Clinic
Miami University (OH)
MindSprings Consulting
NeighborWorks of America
People to People Ministries
Performance Learning Systems
Pike Facilitative Serv. (CAN)
Plymouth State University (NH)
Providence Med Center (AK)
Purdue University
Sacramento County Schools (CA)
SAIT (Canada)
Schools Admission Brd.
Sharp Memorial Hospital
Shasta COE (CA)
Singapore Management University
Skidmore College
St. Bonaventure University
St. Mary's University of MN
Stanford School of Medicine
Texas State University
The College Board
The Ohio State University
Think Strategic (AUS)
University of Calgary
University of Connecticut
University of Denver
University of Illinois
University of Maine
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri
University of So. Indiana
University of Tennessee
University of Texas
University of Vermont
US Army, Navy and Air Force
US Dept. of Agric & Forestry
US Dept. of Defense
US Dept. of Education
US Dept. of Homeland Security
US Dept. of Veteran Affairs
US Environ. Protection Agency
Walt Disney Resorts
Washington Dept. of Corrections
Willamette University
Yale University
For decades, I have taught and advised private individuals, leaders, teachers, professors, and consultants.
I have also worked directly with psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, mental health professionals, family and marital counselors, lawyers, divorce lawyers and clergy. Noted below is my partial client/customer list. Please visit my Testimonial Page to read how individuals have benefited from my work through Mind Styles workshops and Keynotes.